Women of LolaLiza Loubna Azghoud Women of LolaLiza Loubna Azghoud

Brussels-native Loubna has a dream: to see more female entrepreneurs in technology. In fact, she's turned this dream into her profession. How? She'd love to tell you all about it.

Women of LolaLiza Loubna Azghoud Women of LolaLiza Loubna Azghoud

Why do you find the technology industry so fascinating?

'As an expert in economics, digital strategy as well as gender equality, I consider it an extraordinary world with limitless possibility; a world in which there is still so much to create. This sector has and will continue to have an important impact on society, which means it has the potential to balance inequalities.'

Does this explain your focus on women in technology?

'It does. I advocate more personal and financial autonomy for women, as well as economic growth for this sector. More female inclusion in technology is not only good for women, it also benefits technological developments.'

In what way?

'Technology inherently focuses on the world of tomorrow. Do we really want that world to be shaped exclusively by men? Our influence and talents are just as valuable.'

Have you heard many positive stories from women in this sector?

'Of course, and I'm always moved when I hear about their journey to get there. Every day they demonstrate their strength, their entrepreneurial drive and their desire to bring about change.'

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