November 4, 2020
November 4, 2020
How to wear satin
Just because we're working more from home doesn't mean we can’t be stylish. Pimp your weekday outfit with a hint of satin!

What’s the first thing that come up when you think about 'satin'? Ask this question in a group and you'll mostly get: 'sheets' or 'pyjamas'. In the best case, someone will answer 'evening dress'. But did you know that you can easily wear satin during the day and during the week? In this blog article we’ll tell you how you can wear satin without looking over the top, we'll tell you in this blog.

So next time, leave that comfy sweater or those loose pants in the closet and pimp your outfit with a hint of satin!

Stylish satin

Let’s start easy! Combine a black satin pleated skirt with a basic sweater in a light pastel color. Finish with faux suede ankle boots for a simple yet stylish look.

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Satin & Animal print

Wear your summer dress all year round! How about this satin one with animal print ? Wear a chunky knitted sweater on top for a warm fashionable look. Combined with black sock boots, and you’re ready for winter !


Soft & Tough

Out and about in broad daylight in a satin midi dress? It's possible! Keep it casual by layering a turtleneck sweater under your dress. Finish the look with a white coat and a pair of sturdy boots.

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Classy, not classic

Create a classy silhouette by combining your paisley printed satin blouse with black trousers and a long black coat.
Stay classy and chic!

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Satin to our heart

Our fashionistas will like this one! Go for a lovely satin midi dress with heart print layered over a black turtleneck sweater. Wear a long black coat and finish off the look with a pair of black sock boots.

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New Year look

Get the look !

High closed neck ribbed jumper - LILA LAVENDER - 04005381_1332
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Satin midi skirt with pleats  - BLACK - 07100761_1119
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Sweater with dropped sleeves - TAUPE MEL - 04005435_1022
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Maxi shirt dress - CAMEL SAND - 08601220_3810
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Maxi dress with print and long sleeves - RED GRENADE - 08601243_5306
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Satin shirt with print - BLACK - 05701559_1119
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Flannel trousers  - BLACK - 06100294_1119
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Maxi dress in satin with hearts print - CARAMEL COFFEE - 08601221_952
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Turtleneck sweater - BLACK - 04005199_1119
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